Below are some FAQs when creating shipping:

A. Can I re-execute the order whose shipment has been cancelled?

Please distinguish whether the order can be re-executed according to the below status.

Status where shipping methods are changeable:

(In these status, shipping methods are changeable.)

  1. Preparing (pending , processing, pending to ship)
  2. Returned
  3. Error (Shipment expired)

Status where shipping methods are not changeable:

(In these status, shipping methods are not changeable.)

  1. Shipping
  2. Shipped
  3. Completed
  4. Picked up
  5. Returning
  6. Error (Failed)

*Note: For re-executed shipments, their shipment No. and information on label have been changed, don’t mistake the labels.

B. Can I cancel the shipment?

Shipment can be cancelled before driver pick it up. After driver pick it up, shipments can’t be cancelled.