[Vietnam] J&T – User Guide
Merchants in Vietnam are now able to execute shipment with [...]
Merchants in Vietnam are now able to execute shipment with [...]
Merchants in Hong Kong are able to execute shipment with [...]
Merchants in Hong Kong are able to execute shipments with [...]
Merchants in Australia are able to execute shipments with [...]
Merchants in Malaysia are now able to execute shipment with [...]
Merchants in Malaysia are now able to execute shipment with [...]
Merchants in Malaysia are now able to execute shipment with [...]
商戶可在【訂單管理】中編輯訂單內容、支付方式、發貨方式等。 此外,還有訂單狀態、發貨狀態、訂單來源、發貨渠道、承運商等多個過濾器,供商家用來過濾特定訂單。 各種過濾器可以幫助商家更清楚地區分訂單進行後續處理。 查看、編輯和運送訂單 搜索和過濾訂單 1. 查看、編輯和發貨訂單 查看訂單 來自授權電子商務商店的所有訂單將自動同步到訂單管理,供您執行發貨。 首先,點擊“店鋪訂單號”,可以快速查看訂單內容、付款方式、商品信息、收件人,以及編輯OneShip備註。 [...]
Merchants in Malaysia are now able to execute shipment with [...]
Merchants in Malaysia are now able to execute shipment with [...]